Friday, November 4, 2016

Re: after vim 8 installation, yanking (yy) doesn't work in global command and macros

Can someone tell me why this macro (:g/-/normal @q) doesn't work now on version 8, when it worked on 7.4? I'm guessing it's related to the yanking thing. Even when I replace the @+ to @0 it still doesn't work.

€kh/-^M€klviw^C:let y1=@+^Mn€krviw^C:let y2=@+^M:let y3=y2-y1^M:let @a=y3^M:let @b=line(".")^M€kh/-^M€*7€kbmayy:normal ^Rap^M:normal ^Raj^M€kumb:'a,'bs/:\zs\d\+/\=y1+line(".")-^Rb/^M

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