Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Re: Command z doesn't work

On 08/11/2016 12:57 p.m., Ben Fritz wrote:
> On Tuesday, November 8, 2016 at 11:51:05 AM UTC-6, andalou wrote:
>> I'm using vim 80.069 on Windows with defaults.vim enabled.
>> When pressing z<CR>, the cursor line is supposed to get to top of
>> window, but is placed 5 lines below the top.
> This is due to the 'scrolloff' option which defaults.vim sets, you
> will need to override it with a plugin or VimEnter command, or avoid
> sourcing defaults.vim, if you don't like the behavior.
> 'scrolloff' is useful for always keeping some lines of context
> above/below your cursor at the window edges.

Thanks Christian and Ben. So z<CR> depends on scrolloff. I think, this
should be indicated on :help z.

Best regards,


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