Thursday, August 2, 2012

Re: Activating Windows gVim from the command line

On 02/08/12 16:30, Ben Fritz wrote:
> On Thursday, August 2, 2012 12:21:02 AM UTC-5, His Nerdship wrote:
>> I have found a working solution:
>> gvim -c "/haddock" +713 -c ":call search('haddock','c')" fish.cpp
>> First do the '/' search, then go to the specified line, then do the
>> ":call search"
> I'm glad you got it working, and I don't see any reason to change it.
> I do have one minor note which may save you some trouble in the future.
> You seem to think vim -c "/pattern" performs a '/' search. It doesn't. What it is doing is specifying the first line of an ex command range via a pattern. I'm not sure where it's documented but specifying a single-line range with no command will just set the cursor to that line.

It has ho helptag of its own, but it is documented as :[range], just
after ":help gg", in the section about up and down motions.

":help +cmd" and ":help [range]" (the section which includes the
":range" overview you mention below) are also relevant because more
detailed, but the section about +something as a Vim argument is ":help -+c".

> :help :range gives details. I wonder if you could make use of a ";" in your range to accomplish what you want with a shorter command.

...for instance
gvim +713;/haddock/ -c "call search('haddock','c')" fish.cpp
for the first "haddock" after line 713 (i.e. on line 714 or after).

This will also find chaddocks if present. See
:help /\<
:help /\>
about specifying word boundaries in a pattern.

Best regards,
This is the _LAST_ time I take travel suggestions from Ray Bradbury!

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