Friday, July 29, 2011

How to make cursor not always at the last line

Hi, I am writing code and reading source code with vim. When I am
reading the source code, the cursor always stays at the last line.
What I want is to make the cursor always stays at the middle of the
screen when I am pressing "j", so that I can have a larger view of the
code that below the cursor. It seems that I achieve it by posting the
following line in the .vimrc
set so=8
which means that the cursor always keep the distance of 8 lines from
the bottom.

However, when I am do some coding, it does not wok. I found that I am
always at the last line to do my coding, which makes me feel annoyed.
Of course, I can press "zz" to push the current editing line at the
middle of the screen. But, it is just a boring work when i go to the
last line and press "zz" again and again.

So is there any ways not to keep the cursor at the last line when I am
coding, just like after pressing "zz" or something similar.

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