Friday, July 29, 2011

Re: Uploading a new version of a script to the Vim website

El 28/07/11 12:35, Ben Fritz escribió:
> On Jul 27, 1:50 pm, Gerardo Marset<> wrote:
>> Some time ago, I uploaded a script to the Vim website. Later I realized
>> I had made a little mistake in the description, so I went to "edit
>> details" to fix it. The link took me to a login page. I was logged in
>> already, and my username showed up at the top of the menu at the left,
>> along with a link to log out. "Some security measurement, maybe", I
>> thought, and typed my e-mail and my password again. But when I pressed
>> the "login" button, I was taken back to the login page again, with no
>> errors (or warnings :P). After trying around a bit unsuccesfully, I gave
>> up. Later, I tried to upload a new version of the script, and I could do
>> it with no problems.
>> Now the story repeats, only the other way around. I was able to change
>> the description, but I can't upload a new version. The issue is the
>> same: upon clicking the "login" button, I'm asked to login again.
>> I have cookies enabled, and I'm certain I'm writing my password right
>> (an error shows up when I write it wrong).
>> Maybe I'm just unlucky, but so far, the Vim website login system is the
>> most bogous I've ever seen.
>> Has this happened before to someone? Am I doing something wrong? :/
> I've never seen this before, but I haven't tried changing the one or
> two scripts I have on in a few months at least.
Hmm :/. It's so weird. Anyway, thanks for the answer.

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