Sunday, July 31, 2011

Re: sh vs bash syntax coloring wrote the following on 31.07.2011 12:42


> I'm not very happy with syntax coloring of sh scripts (starting with
> #!/bin/sh). For example, things like
> $(command), $((n+1)) or ${var%.txt} are very badly displayed.
> However they are part of POSIX sh I think.
> Do you know a simple hack to correct this. Something that could interest
> me would be always using bash syntax coloring even with
> #!/bin/sh
> at the beginning.
> I thought of modelines but vim seems to use the same syntax file for sh
> and bash and thus I cannot use something like
> # vi: syntax=bash
> or
> # vi: ft=bash

,----[ :h ft-sh-syntax ]----------------------

< bash: >
let g:is_bash = 1

bye Thilo

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