Thursday, July 28, 2011

Re: Vim wishes (was: A modern look for gvim (win32))

On 07/28/2011 04:23 PM, AK wrote:
> If backwards compatibility was not an issue at all, what would
> be changed in vim?

I think my biggest ones (that occur to me without profound
consideration) are actually pretty minor:

1) that {count}>{motion} and {count}<{motion} would shift by
{count} 'shiftwidth's instead of act as a multiplier for
{motion}. It happens to work as I expect/want in Visual mode, it
just behaves differently in normal mode. I'd like to be able to type


to indent this-and-the-next-two-lines by 3 'shiftwidth's instead
of indent 6 lines by one 'sw'; or have


indent the through the end of the paragraph by 3 'sw' instead of
indenting 3} by one 'sw'.

2) that the "a"/outer quotation text-objects had a way to delete
the quotes but not the surrounding space(s). There have been a
number of times where I have Python code like

foo = [
"my cursor in here",
"some other stuff",

and I want to change the string to a variable, so I type


it strips the leading whitespace in addition to the quotes.
Niggling, and easily i_CTRL-T'd back into place, but it would be
nice to have a "just do the quotes and their contents, not the
spaces" tweak.

3) the definitions of 'paragraphs' are tightly tied to nroff
macros. There are times I'd like to be able to define these more
broadly (HTML tags, Python def/class statements, etc). Usually
this involves much more complex mappings.

4) a couple times, I've wished for true vi ":open" mode.

:help :open

This is less significant since I changed jobs a while back (Vim
redraw didn't work well on an old Dos-based Epson hand-held, so I
fell back to using nvi or stevie).

Most of my other annoyances are "the default for the setting that
controls $THING doesn't default *my* way" which is a pretty petty
gripe since Vim offers the functionality I want if I turn it on.


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