> Hi,
> Using net view command on windows provide me the following output:
> \\\d$\DIR some text
> I would like to substitute this network path \\\d$\DIR
> to the output.
> I have done this assuming path is \\255......\DIR
> let pattern=substitute(path,'\\','\\\\','g')
> let pattern=substitute(pattern,'\$','\\$','')
> let pattern=substitute(pattern,'\.','\\.','')
> this works fine and obtain this \\\\255\.255\.255\.255\\d\$\\DIR when
> I echo pattern var.
> Now I launch substitute(output,pattern,'','g') andit fails, my output
> is still
> \\\d$\DIR some text
The substitute() function doesn't modify its first argument, it returns
the result. If you want the 'output' variable to contain the result you
need to set it to the result, the way you're doing above:
let output=substitute(output,pattern,'','g')
If that's not the problem, you need to provide some more complete
code. E.g.:
==> test.vim <==
" how I interpreted what you wrote:
" after the 'path' and 'pattern' stuff you end up with:
let pattern='\\\\255\.255\.255\.255\\d\$\\DIR'
echo 'pattern is:' pattern
let output='\\\d$\DIR some text'
echo 'output is:' output
echo 'result of substitute is:' substitute(output, pattern, '', 'g')
echo 'after substitute, output is unchanged:' output
" this is the part I described above:
let output=substitute(output, pattern, '', 'g')
echo 'after let, output is:' output
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