Sunday, July 31, 2011

Re: Custom Completion Function


"Amit Dev" wrote:

> One thing I'm trying to do is to
> use the custom completion function (^X^U). [...]
> Is there a callback or something that can be registered to find out
> which item user chose?

In mu-template [1], I've proceeded the following (asynchronous) way. (I've found no way to proceed synchronously) :

- use feedkey (in s:ChooseTemplateFile(), l.680) to call a function that returns nothing, but that calls complete()

- the function called (s:ChooseByComplete(), l.643) prepares the dictionary for complete(), registers a hook (to be called at the end of the process), and calls complete() -- this is all done through a "library" that I wrote for the occasion (lh-vim-lib -> autoload/lh/icomplete.vim)

- the hook function (s:FinishCompletion(), l.659) extracts from the buffer what has really been inserted, and then do what I wished to do (here insert and interpret a template-file)
The hook itself is triggered when <cr> or <c-y> are pressed. Both key are temporarily overriden for this purpose.
NB: I also register a clear-once-the-temporary-mappings hook on InsertLeave, thanks to lh-vim-lib again.


[1] the source code that'll interest you is here:

Luc Hermitte

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