Sunday, July 31, 2011

Re: A modern look for gvim (win32)

On Sunday, July 31, 2011 4:10:22 AM UTC+2, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> > 2. Create a GUI statusbar, but make it just an empty field and write
> > whatever the user has set as "statusline" in it. Will probably
> > have to use a smaller/different font than guifont to make
> > everything fit.

> IMHO this could still be 100% compatible. I think the font would not
> necessarily have to be smaller (after all, the current 'statusline'
> option uses the same 'guifont' as the rest of the window, with added
> empty space or filename truncation to make everything fit.

For me, "100% compatible" means that it uses the same font and that
everything is placed at the exact same location. Using a GUI status
bar I think the border of the bar would take up too many pixels to
use the same size font as gvim does now. And because of the left
side border everything (left-aligned) would be pushed a few pixels
to the right.

> but is it possible to use both font= and gui= guibg= guifg=
> guisp= in a single :hi command?

Don't know....

> > 3. Create a GUI statusbar with support for dividing it up in
> > different fields. It would use a special syntax for configuring
> > it, for example using the pipe character (|) to specify a new
> > field.

> Why reinvent the wheel? Option 2 above seems perfectly viable to me, if
> it can be implemented.

Because every other editor on Windows uses different fields for the
information in the status bar. One field for cursor location, one for
file encoding, one for file size etc...

> > What do you mean by "text-style tabs"?

> The kind of tabs you get above the Vim screen contents, in console mode,
> or in GUI mode with the e flag excluded from 'guioptions'. It is
> customizable with the 'tabline' option. When empty (default), Vim uses
> "a default tab pages line". To see what it looks like in gvim, use

> :set go-=e stal=2

Nice! I wish I could get a line like that for my open buffers! Much
better looking (and uses less space) than something like minibufexpl

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