Saturday, July 30, 2011

Re: Vim buffer memory leak?

Liunx <> wrote:

> hello,
> i am using vim7.3.266, i encounter some problem, that when i type ":w"
> per time,
> the memory usage of vim go up, then never go down, so with time go by,
> the memory
> the vim used go up, but the speed go down, do you get this trouble, too?
> help, please!
> regards.


I don't see this problem. I'm using vim-7.3.266 (linux x86).

Can you check whether it also happens even you start
vim with:

$ vim -u NONE -U NONE --noplugin

If it does not happen, then you can try to narrow it
down adding back your plugins one by one and
try commenting out things in .vimrc until you find
what's triggering it.

Which OS are you using? Your nickname suggests
that you're using Linux. If so, you may be able to find
memory leaks with valgrind. See:

-- Dominique

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