Sunday, July 31, 2011

Re: Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal

Kote Dekuur wrote:

> Have anyone seen this error before?
> Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal
> I'm writing a bash script to do merges in Mercurial and using vimdiff as
> the merge tool.   When there are merge conflicts that requires manual
> interactions it will open up vimdiff of the two files, but it seems to
> hang on
> Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal   and the terminal is stuck.
> I have no problems executing vimdiff <file1> <file2>
> manually.  This only happens when running it through a bash script.  I'm
> not sure if I'm missing an environment setting somewhere.

If you redirect Vim input it will read commands from there. If the
stdin actually contains text use the "-" argument, e.g.:

ls . | vim -

If you redirect Vim output you get the message you mentioned. You then
can't see what you are doing, but you can still edit.

Try typing ":qa!". If only output was redirected it should get you out
of the stuck situation.

If both input and output are redirected, you are really stuck.

I'm sure that I asked CBuilder to do a "full" install. Looks like I got
a "fool" install, instead. Charles E Campbell, Jr, PhD

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