> Sigma wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there a way to make the netrw dir listing maintain
>> the cursor position?
>> For example if I do a dir listing on a big dir, scroll down, and
>> press enter to edit a file, when I go back to the dir listing the
>> cursor is no longer at the file where I left it. The cursor
>> starts over at the top of the dir listing.
>> This is a pain if I want to edit a handful of files chosen from
>> the netrw listing.
>> Is there a way to maintain the cursor position in the dir listing?
> I'm afraid that I don't see this behavior using v143d of netrw. Please
> try upgrading netrw and see if you still have this problem.
> You may get v143d from:
> http://mysite.verizon.net/astronaut/vim/index.html#NETRW
I should mention that I tried both the wide listing and the default thin
listing when attempting to elicit this behavior. If the behavior
persists, please let me know what netrw settings you may have and any
more details that may be helpful.
Charles Campbell
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