Saturday, July 30, 2011

Re: netrw dir listing position

Sigma wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a way to make the netrw dir listing maintain
> the cursor position?
> For example if I do a dir listing on a big dir, scroll down, and
> press enter to edit a file, when I go back to the dir listing the
> cursor is no longer at the file where I left it. The cursor
> starts over at the top of the dir listing.
> This is a pain if I want to edit a handful of files chosen from
> the netrw listing.
> Is there a way to maintain the cursor position in the dir listing?
I'm afraid that I don't see this behavior using v143d of netrw. Please
try upgrading netrw and see if you still have this problem.

You may get v143d from:

Charles Campbell

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