Friday, July 29, 2011

question about 'isfname'


i like to grep and pipe the results into an unnamed hidden vim
buffer so when i see a module i want to edit i can hit F4 on

i have F4 defined as

map <F4> :call OpenWhat()<CR>
function! OpenWhat()
let testme = expand("<cfile>")
if isdirectory(testme)
call CdMaik()
e <cfile>

the relevant portion being the edit of <cfile>

a typical chunk of grep output might look like the following:

hl:open(PRS, ".prime_run_start");
hl2:open(PRS, ".prime_run_start");
inst:echo "restoreprs restores .prime_run_start from save_prs"
inst:echo "saveprs saves .prime_run_start to save_prs"
nmt:open(PRS, ".prime_run_start");

when it first comes up, F4 performs fine and i am able to edit
for example 'hl' because the default value for 'isfname' does
not include ':'

however, when 'hl' is a perl module, 'isfname' gets redefined
by $RUNTIME/ftplugin/perl.vim so when i quit or bp back to the
unnamed buffer with the grep output my F4 no longer works --
perl.vim adds ':' to 'isfname' and now it would try to open
'hl:open', creating a new file by that name

according to the help isfname is a global option so forcing
perl.vim to perform a setlocal would have no effect

has anyone else run into this and if so, how did you deal with


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