On 14:26 Mon 30 Jan , Marc Weber wrote:
> Excerpts from Alexandre Provencio's message of Mon Jan 30 14:14:34 +0100 2012:
> > I want to know from who is using VAM (vim-addons-manager) what is the
> > preferable way to install things like Solarized and snipmate-snippets.
> > After a normal install with :ActivateAddons, are symbolic links to colors
> > and snippets directories under ~/.vim the best way to complete the task?
> Why are you asking? Neither is "ActivateAddons" the preferred way of
> installing addons (its for testing addons, but would work as well) nor
> are any manualy steps required to make Solarized work.
> - VAM docs section 2 (doc/*.txt)
> - snipmate README file line 111
> If you think that documentation can be improved tell me.
> Otherwise I think you should have RTFM which VAM even tells you when you
> install it - looks like you missed it. Thus read section 2 even more
> carefully :)
> Maybe you should just have tried the most obvious:
> :colorscheme solarized and watch it work?
> Marc Weber
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http://www.vim.org/maillist.phpDear Marc,
Can you explain my why I get lots of messages when I try to update plugins:
"Don't know how to update vim-indent-object because it is (no longer?) contained in plugin_sources"
At the end I got this:
Don't know how to update vimtips because it is (no longer?) contained in
plugin_sources Failed updating plugins: ['ColorV', 'Comceal', 'CountJump',
'EasyMotion', 'FindFile', 'GUI_Box', 'HTML_AutoCloseTag',
'LaTeX_error_filter', 'L anguageTool', 'ManPageView', 'PushPop',
'Python_3.x_Standard_Library_Reference', 'Python_Documentatio n',
'SpellCheck', 'SudoEdit', 'YankRing', 'ZoomWin', 'calendar52', 'cmdalias',
'ctags610', 'diff_movement', 'emacscommandline', 'fatrat', 'gen utils',
'karma', 'netrw', 'progressbar_widget', 'python30', 'python_match',
'pythonhelper', 'recover', 'sessionman', 'showmarks', 'taglist',
' vam-addons', 'vim-indent-object', 'vimwiki', 'xorium', 'ywtxt',
'vimchat', 'vimtips'].
And how to deal with them.
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