Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Re: Display messed up

On 01/31/12 16:27, Marco wrote:
> On 2012-01-31 Tim Chase<vim@tim.thechases.com> wrote:
> I can't tell you why, but I have the strong feeling that
> it's not a hardware issue.

With the behavior changing based on $TERM, the possibility of a
hardware issue no longer ranks high on my list of possible issues.

>> does using either ":redraw" or ":redraw!" also refresh
>> dthe isplay correctly?
> No, neither of the commands does.

Which backs the idea that something is wrong with the termcap,
that even as it redraws, it's using the improper escape settings.

>> So when you mentioned changing the font manifest the
>> behavior, that was your terminal font, not 'guifont' in
>> gvim, right?
> Yes, I'm talking about the terminal font. As I said gvim
> is not affected.

I just wanted to make sure--the resizing-fixes aspect hinted that
it might be (though not absolutely) gvim related. Terminals can
send a WINCH signal which tells the application the window size
changed, so the path Vim takes when processing this signal could
also be at issue.

> Hmm… good question. My .Xresources file says:
> Rxvt.font: xft:Mono:pixelsize=13

Was that for the good font or the bad font? And is it only
dependent on the font-name, or does it behave if you just change
the font size?

>> Also, what is $TERM set to...both within Vim and outside
>> Vim? Does the problem persist if you start vim with
>> something like
> outside vim: TERM=rxvt-unicode
> inside vim: TERM=xterm-256color
> I also changed TERM to xterm-256color, without success.
>> bash$ TERM=dummy vim file.txt
>> to force a bogus termcap entry?
> Yes, this helps. I did a few tests and it works fine.
> I thank you a lot for your creative thoughts. As I
> mentioned, setting the TERM to "dummy" helps. But I have
> no idea why. Is this the solution of just a workaround
> that doesn't trigger the weird behaviour?

Just to add to the pool of data, what does the output of :version
have to say about "builtin_terms", "terminfo" and "termresponse"
(and note there's a difference between "+" and "++" for some of
those settings). It might also helpful to know the settings for
various term-related settings:

:set ttybuiltin? term? tenc?


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