Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Re: Checking return codes?

On Wed, March 31, 2010 5:16 pm, Chris Sutcliffe wrote:
> Is it possible to check the return code of an Ex command? I currently
> have:
> function! Grep(pattern, location)
> exe "noautocmd vimgrep /" . a:pattern . "/gj " . a:location " | copen"
> endfunction
> which causes an error with copen if vimgrep doesn't return anything.
> I'd like to handle the error a little more gracefully if possible.

You can use a :try :catch block and catch pattern E480.
(Seems like the help tag E480 is wrong).
And you can also check, whether the result returned by getqflist() is

:h :try
:h :catch
:h getqflist()


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