Sunday, March 28, 2010

RE: .exrc in gVimPortable

Albert wrote:
> In the first edition of Teach Yourself Unix in 24 Hours,
> Taylor and Armstrong write that "key mappings are saved in a
> file called .exrc in your home directory...You can also save
> other things...including the :set number option." How do I
> implement this using gVimPortable on Windows 7?

I would express Tony's answer slightly differently:
- Do NOT read anything talking about "vi" or ".exrc"
(it is totally obsolete and not helpful).
- On Windows, use file _vimrc (usually called "vimrc"
when people are writing about it).

Your question is really to be answered by portable gvim folks
and I can almost guarantee that it is mentioned prominently in
its documentation.

Or, put the following into Google:
gvim portable vimrc


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