Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Re: Command switching to Normal mode with no mapping is used

One workaround is to unmap the disturbing mapping and remap it again
later.. But this can be unfeasible..

In general it is worth talking about the task you're trying to solve
rather than asking about how to implement the solution you think is
best. So which is your use case leading to this question?

I have found a workaround for it. 
I want to detect when command-line mode starts. But, I don't find any event generation related to mode switching. So, my initial solution is to map : in normal mode. But, the problem is sometimes I don't want to detect it; execute the command as it is.  Now, I add my solution with a mapping of other command which I can use to start command-line without being detected: nnoremap z: :
Any other idea would be appreciated ..


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