Tuesday, March 30, 2010

.vimrc colors ; highlight xxxxxx ctermfg=cccccc what xxxxxx and cccccc are OK?

I am running on a shared host

vim version 7.0.237

I have added to my .vimrc file:

highlight comment ctermfg=darkgray
highlight constant ctermfg=darkblue
highlight Identifier ctermfg=black " html < and />
highlight search ctermbg=lightYellow ctermfg=black
highlight Special ctermfg=Gray
highlight Statment ctermfg=red ctermbg=yellow
highlight Function ctermfg=darkGray " begin tag wickets , =
highlight Type ctermfg=Darkgray
highlight Question ctermfg=red ctermbg=blue
highlight NonText ctermfg=darkGray
highlight PreProc ctermfg=darkGray
highlight htmlTitle ctermfg=DarkGray

The entire .vimrc is at http://www.Real-World-Systems.com/docs/vimrc

when editing an .html file

text is in black, that's good
wickets ( < and > ) are in black, that's ok
HTML tag names are in yellow (?) that's good
broken tag , (second < in a row ) is gray/red that's good

&amp; etc are shown in gray. that's Not Nice

keywords before = are blackBold
values after = are blue, that's ok

h3 is in violet(?)

1) what colornames are permitted, ( orange is not )

2) where is the list of keywords?

Thanks in advance

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