Sunday, March 28, 2010

Re: Color Syntax Highlighter

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 03:21:46PM -0400, Carlos Mennens wrote:
> I have Vim 7.2.385-1 on my Linux server and I noticed today when I
> opened up a configuration file for my mail server, one of the
> parameters where not displayed in color like the rest of the file.
> Generally when I see a parameter in a configuration file in white,
> it's a type or invalid command. I did however notice this one command
> was actually listed correct and it was still listed in white. I don't
> understand why so I asked the developers of the product I was
> configuring with Vim and they advised me today the following:
> "Your VIM syntax highlighter is out of date"
> My question is how can I configure or update Vim syntax highlighter so
> that all my valid configuration parameters are displayed in color. I
> know this sounds strange to make a big deal over one line not showing
> in color but it bothers me and I would like to get it fixed if
> possible.
> Thanks for any assistance!
> -Carlos
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Figure out what syntax files it's using (from either filetype or :scriptnames),
and either add to it or replace it. See the help topics:
:help mysyntaxfile
:help mysyntaxfile-add

I have used the ~/.vim/after/syntax/ method to add a few missing syntax
items for a couple of file types.

Gregory H. Margo
gmargo at yahoo/com, gmail/com, pacbell/net; greg at margofamily/org

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