Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Re: ctags output available via taglist

On 2010-08-31, David Fishburn wrote:
> Vim 7.3.
> Is it possible to use a system() call to get the output from running
> ctags and somehow pipe that input so that it is available via the
> taglist() function?
> Or at least provide that output into something that will parse it and
> provide it via one of Vim's functions?
> This has to be dynamic, so I can't specify a tags file via:
> set tags=

You might take a look at the ctags.vim plugin,
http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=610. The
GenerateTags() function uses system() to execute ctags and collect
its output into one string which it then parses.


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