Sunday, August 29, 2010

rubygems error in ruby 1.9 support for vim 7.3 (on Windows)


I've just downloaded vim 7.3 for windows (I'm on Windows XP) which
comes with ruby 1.9 support. I also have ruby 1.9.1-p430 installed. If
I open an irb console and write:

irb(main):001:0> require 'rubygems'
=> false

I get false, which is fine because ruby 1.9 already comes with

However, if I try the same from vim, I get:

:ruby require 'rubygems'
NoMethodError: undefined method `synchronize` for #<Mutex:0x1da8480>

I know the workaround is just not to require 'rubygems' anymore, but
this looks strange to me. Any ideas why I get a different behavior
from within vim? Does anybody have the same problem or is related to
my configuration only?

Many thanks.

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