Saturday, August 28, 2010

Re: vim can't display characters properly(in other languages besides english).....

On 28/08/10 21:43, BC wrote:
> On Aug 28, 1:17 am, aksr<> wrote:
>> windows xp sp2
>> latest vim (7.3)
>> -------
>> when i change the language for my keyboard(to serbian latin):
>> if i put ":set encoding=latin1"
>> then i get this:
>> for chars(č,ć,š,đ,ž) i get(c,c,BS,d,BS): č-c, ć-c, š-(black square), đ-
>> d, ž-(black square)
>> ..and if i put ":set encoding=utf-8"
>> i get, for all(čćšđž), "black squares"...
> Just realized this, as I was experimenting with the above text pasted
> into my gvim:
> I have to set BOTH enc=utf-8 AND fenc=utf-8 if I want to be able to
> save and reopen the file without conversion errors. When they're both
> the same, your characters seem fine in every font I tried. Of course,
> I'm just pasting, not typing...
> (and the help topics
listed there) have some info about using Vim to create multilingual files.

You can't type š č ć ž đ etc. when 'encoding' is set to Latin1 because
those characters are not among the 191 printable and 65 control
characters which make up the 255-character set of Latin1. These
characters are typical of Slavic or "East European" languages while
Latin1 is a "Western" encoding which can represent most European
languages used West of the former Iron Curtain, not including Greek,
Turkish, Maltese, and I'm not sure about Inuqtitut and Basque.

Best regards,
Mynd you, m00se bites Kan be pretty nasti ...
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY)

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