Saturday, August 28, 2010

Re: Netrw and new file through ftp connection

epanda wrote:
>> let g:netrw_ftp_cmd= "ftp -s:".$home.".netrc"
>> When you use it, try
>> :e
>> Regards,
>> Chip Campbell
> Ok it works but there is a confusion due to the help that is not
> updated yet.
> if the user is under windows, the netrc's content should be like that:
> .netrc:
> loginftp
> passftp
> That is not the same case under unix:
> machine machinename login loginname password "thepassword"
> Thank you for all Charles, I will now be able to edit some php scripts
> with your powerful script.

Hello, Epanda:

I generally make changes to netrw.vim before I get around to changing
the document. In this case I've just made v141b, and I've changed it a
bit more. If, instead of <.netrc> one uses <MACHINE> in the
g:netrw_ftp_cmd, then netrw will use the current hostname/machinename
and swap it in the stead of MACHINE, tacking on ".ftp", so it'll be as
if one had ftp -s:c:\users\userid\hostname.ftp . This method means
that one can have multiple .ftp files with logins and passwords and
netrw will use them as needed.

Chip Campbell

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