Saturday, August 28, 2010

Re: internal vim command to check file existence ?

Hi Aaron!

On Sa, 28 Aug 2010, Aaron Lewis wrote:

> Is there any commands can be used to check if a file exists ?
> command `exists` seems to be function related.
> I could not open this thread "Re: check if a file exists in vim script"
> on" in browser .. so plz help.

There are several functions, you can use. One would be something like

if filereadable('c:/foobar')
... " do whatever you want

And if you don't care, if the file is actually readable, use glob
instead of filereadable() and to check whether the file is a directory,
use an isdirectory() call.

:h glob()
:h filereadable()
:h isdirectory()


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