Saturday, August 28, 2010

Re: Netrw and new file through ftp connection

epanda wrote:
> now I am using a .netrc encrypted and I have done a func to decrypt it
> before using your script.
> Just last bugs, I see 2 blank lines with v141a (little bug).

In my experience this was due to hiding ./ and ../ from the listing; I
put a command to remove any and all blank lines. Its working for me, so
I'm not sure what's happening for you.
> Major bug, when I click on a binary jpeg or whatever file, the double
> left mouse mapping seems to fails.
> I cannot return to the upper dir
Netrw's double-leftmouse mapping does not carry through to files being
edited, and this includes the double-leftmouse mapping. You can return with


The "gx" map is kept available (see :help netrw-gx) by default, although
it too can be suppressed.

If g:netrw_retmap is true, then <2-leftmouse> will be set by netrw upon
editing a file. I see where netrw, in an effort not to stomp on user
maps, manages to avoid stomping on its own map -- so v141c returns the
<2-leftmouse> behavior. Its another way of doing :Rex, by the way.

Chip Campbell

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