Sunday, August 29, 2010

Re: More information about the strange clipboard behaviour

Hi Tony :)

Sorry for the delay in replying!

2010/8/28 Tony Mechelynck <>:
> Well, apparently Vim interprets the clipboard contents as Latin1 and the
> primary selection as UTF-8. Not sure why.

Almost a decade has passed since I last had to program using xlib
directly, and even then I didn't had to deal with the selections, but
if I remember correctly, there were not any way of specifying the
encoding of the clipboard, although I may be wrong.

> - What is your system locale? (Warning: it may be different in a program
> such as Chrome, launched from a desktop icon, and in console Vim, launched
> by bash. Try running ":language" in gvim started with -u NONE from Alt-F2 or
> from the "Run Application..." popup).

I don't have gvim on my system, but my locale is set system-wise, it's
the same for any app, no matter how is it launched. My locale is
en_US.utf8 except for es_ES.UTF8 in some categories (LC_CTYPE,
LC_MEASUREMENT). I don't think it is a locale issue.

> - What happens if instead of Chrome you use Firefox or Konqueror or...?

It works, the problem only happens (for now...) if using Chrome. It
may be a subtle Chrome bug that only happens when using the clipboard
with Vim :?

> - What happens if instead of Console Vim you use gvim?

I don't have gvim on my system :(

Thanks, Tony :)

Raúl "DervishD" Núñez de Arenas Coronado
Linux Registered User 88736 |
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