Monday, August 30, 2010

Re: [patch] fixed grammatical errors in vim help files using LanguageTool

Jan Larres wrote:

> Dominique Pellé <>:
>> I did make a stab at writing a plugin to integrate the
>> LanguageTool grammar checker in Vim.  I'm sure the
>> plugin could be improved in many ways, but I already
>> find it useful. Script and screenshots are available at:
> Very nice! Just one minor issue I ran into: I used '~' for my $HOME dir in
> g:languagetool_jar, and that apparently isn't recognised by filereadable(), so
> I suggest using expand(g:languagetool_jar) when setting the s: variable.

Hi Jan

Thanks for the feedback. LanguageTool plugin now tries to
use g:languagetool_jar and if it does not exists, it also tries
to use expand(g:languagetool_jar).

So you should now be able to use '~/...' in g:languagetool_jar.

-- Dominique

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