Monday, August 30, 2010

RE: WIN7 Can not set vim 7.3 as default program

From: jkerian, Mon, August 30, 2010 11:55 am
> Steve Hall wrote:
> > > I suppose some work with the NSIS installer config would allow
> > > an option (default?) to registerVimduring install?
> I think you're misunderstanding the problem. At least for me, I
> _cannot_ change the "Open With..." setting. GVim never appears on
> that list, whereas it used to with earlier versions. Vim does not
> appear on that list, even if I browse to gvim.exe and select it.

That sounds like a problem with your OS or permissions, Windows should
honor any request made through Browse ending in .exe.

> At least for me, vim.exe works can be associated with files.
> gvim.exe can not. I tried the registry change above, and that didn't
> seem to help either.

Hmm... maybe go through your registry, clean out all keys containing
"vim73\vim.exe", and re-install?

Steve Hall [ digitect dancingpaper com ]

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