Saturday, August 28, 2010

Re: How to open the previous tag or windows ?

On 28/08/10 18:32, coolesting wrote:
> Hi, how to open the previous tag or windows when the vim start without
> existing process or windows of vim .
> such as ,
> i quit the vim when i have the tag windows , test1.html, test2.html,
> test3.html .
> so, after a moment, i restart the vim that will be automatically open the
> tag as test1.html, test2.html, test3.html .
> thank you for help

You could use :mksession (q.v.) before quitting, and reload Vim as "vim
-S", but the generated session file will often duplicate many settings
already set by your vimrc; or you could write a script to load the files
you want and use _that_ as a session file...

In this case you could write a ~/Session.vim containing something like

e tags
new test1.html
new test2.html
new test3.html

Best regards,
Philosophy will clip an angel's wings.
-- John Keats

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