Saturday, August 28, 2010

Re: Info command in vim

On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 5:06 AM, robert song <> wrote:
> Hi, Britton.
>> This seems to work nicely to do something I've wanted for a while.
>> I have to admit I don't quite see why it works.  What's giving us
>> the new window rather than just dumping the info command output
>> into the current buffer as :r! says?  This command by itself:
>>   :execute "r!info --subnodes --output - gcc"
>> puts its output in the current buffer, what part of the function
>> and command wrapping layers is changing this?
> The command is simple.
> We can use the following command to dump all gcc info in terminal.
> Host> info --subnodes --output - gcc
> And r!{cmd} is used to "read the Execute {cmd} and insert its standard
> output below the cursor or the specified line."

Yes, but this isn't what happens for me. Instead, I get a vertical split and
a new window with filetype=info. Is this not what happens for you?
Its nice behavior, but as I explain above its not what happens with the
underlying ':execute "r!info --subnodes --output - gcc"' command. I'm
curious to understand why.


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