> Hi,
> I've lately been "forced" to work a lot on Windows and with Visual Studio
> 2008 (VS08) and in fact
> I think that VS08 is a pretty good IDE, but in the words of Bram Moolenaar:
> "but it's not Vim".
> I've been separately opening files to gVim while at the same time having
> them open in VS08;
> I perform the stuff that's easy to do in Vim in Gvim and the IDE tasks in
> VS08.
> The question becomes: is there an easy way to open a file in gVim that's
> already open in VS08?
> By easy I do not mean: go to explorer, find the file ...
> One click option or something like that, is what I'm looking for.
> Much thanks for all the responses ..
You'll need to use the client-server interface to Vim.
:he client-server
It's easy to set up a shortcut in your Windows "Send To" context menu,
so that you can then send items to a specific Vim instance, using the
client-server commandline arguments inside the shortcut. Then sending
files to the Vim inside Visual Studio is just a right-click away.
The "launch files in tabs" link on that page accomplishes its task
using the client-server interface if you need an example.
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