Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Intellisense method lookup?

Hi all... a co-worker yesterday who uses RubyMine showed me the function of method lookup where he could click on a method in RubyMine and it would find it, even in an external gem (using Ruby/Rails here). Made me drool as I saw an immediate benefit, especially to be able to quickly find referenced methods and more easily delve into the rails and gem source code. I am wondering if there is anything which approaches this as a plug-in for vim. I am pretty sure I do not want to use RM, as it takes a gig of ram to run and seems to keep me waiting, aside from the fact that I truly enjoy the transparency and expansiveness of vim. I guess worst case I can grep for such stuff, but I am not easily impressed but this feature of rubymine is very cool.

Any suggestions appreciated!

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