> Hi,
> I have done a dll that go into a while loop.
> It freeze gvim interface and I wonder if I can recode this loop in
> order to stop it by signal sent or another way ?
> Thanks for help
Hm, here are a few ideas:
1. Have you tried <Esc> or <Ctrl-Break>? Does it do anything? If neither
does, maybe you could test for an Esc and/or a Ctrl-Break in the loop in
order to terminate it early.
2. Maybe you could send Vim a signal that it doesn't use, and intercept
it in the DLL? Not sure which signal though; under Linux I would have
suggested SIGUSR2. This requires adding a signal handler to the DLL,
chaining with any signal handler already installed in the caller.
3. Maybe you could send Vim a signal that it does intercept, but if (1)
above doesn't work, it might terminate Vim (under Linux I would have
suggested SIGHUP, or if that doesn't work, SIGTERM).
4. If worst comes to worst, you may have to kill Vim (under Linux:
SIGKILL; under Windows: open the Task Manager, probably by Ctrl-Alt-Del,
then select Vim and terminate it).
Best regards,
There once was an old man from Esser,
Who's knowledge grew lesser and lesser.
It at last grew so small,
He knew nothing at all,
And now he's a College Professor.
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