Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Re: Vim as default email (thunderbird) editor

On 04:18 Wed 28 Sep , Fernando Basso wrote:
> I really want to find a way to use vim as my default email editor. I
> have been using thunderbird for a reasonable amount of time now, and I
> stumbled through this "external editor" thunderbird plubin. However,
> it seems not to be working with recent versions of thunderbird.
> So, I was pondering, "well, many vim users certainly use vim to write
> emails." If so, do you have any tips regarding this subject. What I
> have done so far is to write the email in vim, and then paste the
> message back into the email client. There must be a better, clever, or
> nicer way of doing this.
> I simply cannot stand any other editor anymore. There is no life after
> vim.
> Any thoughts and ideas are welcome.
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It should be noted that it is fairly easy to configure mutt to use vim as an
external editor, this is a line of my muttrc file:
set editor='vim +set\ spell\ spelllang=pl,pt,en_gb'


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