Monday, September 26, 2011

Re: Highlight current line number when using "set number"

On Sep 25, 4:04 am, Francesc Salvat-Pujol <> wrote:
> Hi,
> When using the option "set number", is there a way of highlighting the
> current line number with a color other than LineNr? Using "set cuc cul"
> is too much.
> I am aware that the question has been asked before, i.e.
> or with slightly different approach:
> Unfortunately, none of these threads really offer a solution in the
> sense described at the beginning of the mail.
> Any ideas?

That second thread offers a method which will get you closer, but even
using the signs feature, I don't think Vim can highlight a specific
line number in the line number column, and only the line number column
(i.e. not the line text).

Probably your best bet is to just set a cursorline highlight which is
not too distracting and use that.

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