Thursday, September 29, 2011

Re: creating a new location list

On 29/09/11 07:48, sinbad wrote:
> hi,
> i know that we can have multiple location lists for a window.
> i read through the documentation but couldn't find the command
> or function that creates a new location list. lexpr doesn't take
> window
> nr as argument. so i was wondering how can i create a new location
> list.
> every time i use lexpr, the old location list will be rewritten. i am
> missing some
> thing here ?
> thanks
> sinbad

Most quickfix and location-list commands are documented under :help quickfix

There are various ways to create a new location list:

:lfile [errorfile]
read the errorfile and jump to the first error

:lhelpgrep {pattern}[@xx]
search the help for the pattern (if @xx is given, it's a language code)
and return the results as a location list for the help window. If the
current window is not a help window, its location list isn't changed.

:lvimgrep[!] /pattern/[g][j] {file}...
search the named file(s) for the pattern and return the result as a
location list

similarly :lgrep, :lmake, etc.

Best regards,
Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren't lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.
-- Dorothy Parker

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