Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Re: Substitutions Triggered by autocmd Are Noisy

Bastien Dejean wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to removed some of the default mutt headers since there's no
> facility for doing so inside mutt. Hence the following:
> autocmd FileType mail :%s/^\(Reply-To\|Bcc\): \n//e
> The only problem is that I get the "Press ENTER or type command to
> continue" prompt.
> Appending 'silent' before the substitution doesn't help.
I suspect that you're actually not getting any matches; ie. do you
actually get "Bcc: <newline>" lines?
Anyway, be that as it may, please try:

au FileType mail :sil! %s/^\(Reply-To\|Bcc\): \n//e

(note the "!" trailing the :sil)


au FileType mail :sil! v/^\(Reply-To\|Bcc\): $/d

Chip Campbell

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