Thursday, September 29, 2011

Re: creating a new location list

On Sep 29, 12:48 am, sinbad <> wrote:
> hi,
> i know that we can have multiple location lists for a window.
> i read through the documentation but couldn't find the command
> or function that creates a new location list. lexpr doesn't take
> window
> nr as argument. so i was wondering how can i create a new location
> list.
> every time i use lexpr, the old location list will be rewritten. i am
> missing some
> thing here ?

You cannot have multiple location lists per Vim split-window window.
You can only have one per split window.

However, you can have multiple location lists in one Vim OS window, if
you make a new one on each split-window window.

This is in comparison to the quickfix list, which is shared by all
windows in all tabs.

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