On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 7:53 AM, Tony Mechelynck <antoine.mechelynck@gmail.com> wrote:
On 26/09/11 16:03, Francesc Salvat-Pujol wrote:
On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 2:07 PM, Ben Fritz <fritzophrenic@gmail.com<mailto:fritzophrenic@gmail.com>> wrote:
On Sep 25, 4:04 am, Francesc Salvat-Pujol <f.sal...@gmail.com<mailto:f.sal...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi,
> When using the option "set number", is there a way of
highlighting the
> current line number with a color other than LineNr? Using "set
cuc cul"
> is too much.
> I am aware that the question has been asked before, i.e.
> or with slightly different approach:
> Unfortunately, none of these threads really offer a solution in the
> sense described at the beginning of the mail.
> Any ideas?
That second thread offers a method which will get you closer, but even
using the signs feature, I don't think Vim can highlight a specific
line number in the line number column, and only the line number column
(i.e. not the line text).
Probably your best bet is to just set a cursorline highlight which is
not too distracting and use that.
Uhum... Well, too bad.
Thanks for the replies though.
In gvim (where the Normal background is white) (and in 256-color consoles with the CSApprox.vim plugin) I use the following in my "almost-default" colorscheme, http://users.skynet.be/antoine.mechelynck/vim/almost-default.vim
hi clear CursorLine
hi CursorLine guibg=#F4F4F4
hi clear CursorColumn
hi link CursorColumn CursorLine
which give me crosshairs in very light grey (95.7% grey), just enough to be visible, not enough to be distracting.
Best regards,
"APL is a write-only language. I can write programs in APL, but I
can't read any of them."
-- Roy Keir
I'm actually using the terminal vim, but thx anyway. One day with some time and courage I might try to checkout the vim source and see if it's really that hard for a newbie to add a CurrentLineNr highlight group and print the current line number in the corresponding color.
Thx for the tips,
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