Monday, September 26, 2011

[sh.vim] Aug 16, 2011 array highlighting bug


A recent vim update included the latest version of sh.vim (Aug 16,
2011), which no longer highlights the following construct from my bashrc

--clear-screen # Print buffer from top of screen
--dumb # Don't complain about terminfo errors
--ignore-case # Like vim ignorecase + smartcase
--no-lessopen # Ignore LESSOPEN preprocessor
--long-prompt # Show position percentage
--RAW-CONTROL-CHARS # Only interpret SGR escape sequences
--chop-long-lines # Disable soft wrapping
--no-init # Prevent use of alternate screen
--tilde # Do not show nonextant lines as `~`
--shift 8 # Horizontal movement in columns
); export LESS="${LESS_ARY[@]}"

The comments are no longer recognized as comments, which causes the
apostrophe on line 3 to be interpreted as an opening quote, breaking the
syntax highlighting for the rest of the file.

I am ignorant of vim's syntax system; could someone offer a solution?

Sung Pae

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