Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Re: anoying horiz scroll when scrolling down

On 09/28/11 07:59, Razvan Rotaru wrote:
> What happens when I scroll down, is that the cursor is
> following along. The problem occurs when the cursor jumps to a
> short line (which is now out of the screen, because I am
> scrolled to the right) and vim scrolls me back to the left so
> that cursor remains in the screen.
> This is incredibly annoying since I have to scroll to the
> right again.

While it has other side-effects, you might try

:set ve=all

which you can read about at

:help 'virtualedit'

It seems to allow me to jump to the end of a long line and then
scroll downward with the cursor landing in virtual-space on the
short lines without triggering the horizontal-scroll back to
where the short lines would normally force me. You can then just
reset it when you don't want it:

:set ve=


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