Friday, January 27, 2012

Re: TOhtml options

On Jan 27, 4:17 pm, Jostein Berntsen <> wrote:
> Is it possible to change the settings for TOhtml somewhere like color, font
> and such? Or to pass values from the command line?

Colors used are the same as the colorscheme you're using in Vim. Issue
a :colorscheme command to change your colors in Vim and TOhtml will
match it.

Font can be changed with g:html_font. You can set it to a specific
font name, or a list of names. TOhtml isn't too smart (yet) about
handling quotes, so be careful if you need to quote any font names.
E.g. my g:html_font variable is set to:

DejaVu Sans Mono', 'DejaVu LGC Sans Mono', 'Consolas

(note the lack of quote on the beginning or the end, TOhtml will
automatically insert one at both positions)

There are many other options, see :help :TOhtml

At some point I'm planning to rewrite the help for TOhtml to provide a
topic for each option and use short descriptions more like Vim option
help topics rather than the current long-winded prose form.

You can use :TOhtml from the command-line the same way you use any
other Vim command from the command-line. For example, to convert
somefile.c to HTML and exit:

vim -c "TOhtml" -c "wqa" somefile.c

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