Sunday, March 28, 2010

Re: How to remember end of line when quitting/reopening in insert mode

Am 25.03.2010 16:52, schrieb Christian Brabandt:
> On Thu, March 25, 2010 4:43 pm, Christian Brabandt wrote:
>> On Thu, March 25, 2010 3:41 pm, Jean Johner wrote:
>>> 2)
>>> gvim -y file1
>>> put the cursor on line 10, end of line (column 24)
>>> Quit with Menu|Exit (or CTRL-O :q)
>>> gvim -y file1 (to reopen)
>>> Result: the cursor is on line 10, column 23
>> This happens, because ctrl-o moves the cursor when leaving insert mode.
>> You can prevent this by using<c-\><c-o>
>> The same is true for using the menu. The help menu is created using the
>> :amenu command, which prepends each command with<c-o> in insert mode.
>> For insert mode, this should probably be<c-\><c-o>. But I am not sure,
>> if you can change this. May be, this needs another patch.
> BTW: I noticed some unpleasant side effects when playing around with
> Andy's solution. The plugin seems to interfer with jumping to the
> correct help section. Using :h topic this put me somewhere near the topic,
> but not at the right position. This does not happen everytime and I assume
> this only happens, when a help page is opened for the first(?) time.

Maybe this has to do with updating the LOCAL ADDITIONS section in the
main help page.


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