Monday, August 2, 2010

Re: need help with tags - SOLVED (sort of)

I decided that the problem has to be in the EXINIT string, since that is
the only difference in the accounts that don't work, and my account.

I find that if I set EXINIT to "ic" EXINIT="set ic", then tags works.

I can't explain this. The case of the tags in my tags file is exactly the
same case as the symbols referenced in the source code.

Bill Dudley

On 8/2/10, wfdudley <> wrote:
> Tony,
> Thanks for the reply.
> Actually, I'm not talking specifically about C tags, since I'm writing in
> perl.
> Years ago I wrote a program called ptags that will create a valid tags file
> from a bunch of perl scripts, and I use that to navigate around in my
> Perl source.
> I actually PREFER running vim in vi compatibility mode, because I really
> dislike
> all the features in vim -- they really make my life difficult, as vim often
> does
> surprising things that I don't expect because of all the "features".
> Vi is quite
> powerful enough. For example, if I want to edit two files at the same time,
> I
> just open TWO xterms. Novel, eh? Accidentally hitting :N instead of :n in
> vi
> doesn't do anything surprising, but in VIM, I get an annoying split
> screen. Ugh.
> But I digress. Absent in your email was an answer to my question. WHY
> won't
> vim read the tags file when any other user runs it (and they DON'T HAVE my
> EXINIT string). When I do ":set tags" (as either myself of another user), I
> get
> the same answer: "tags=./tags,./TAGS,tags,TAGS". So that isn't the
> problem.
> So I'll ask again.
> Is there ANYWAY for me to get vim to TELL ME why it cannot find a tag, that
> is
> plainly there, that tag file is in the cwd, the source is in the cwd,
> and there is NO
> special .vimrc file or EXINIT string?
> Thanks to anybody who can shed some light on this.
> Bill Dudley
> P.S. At one time, I got so annoyed at vim's incompatibie "compatiblity
> mode" that
> I compiled the source code to OLD vi and ran that for several years,
> until it went
> away during a machine upgrade.
> On 7/30/10, Tony Mechelynck <> wrote:
>> On 30/07/10 22:24, dud wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm running version 7.2.245 on an Ubuntu server.
>>> I've been a vi user since the 1980's and use the tags feature
>>> extensively.
>>> My coworker cannot get tags to work in vim. Any tag he tries returns:
>>> E426: tag not found:<subroutine name here>
>>> I can reproduce this by logging in as a different user than myself.
>>> Something
>>> is magical about my environment that allows tags to work for me but no
>>> one
>>> else.
>>> The conditions are:
>>> I'm "in" the directory where the source is, as well as where the tags
>>> file is.
>>> The tags file is 644, read by world.
>>> The source files are 644, read by world.
>>> How can I debug what the problem is?
>>> Why can't vim find the tag even though it's right there in the tags
>>> file?
>>> How can I ask vim what it's "path" is for finding the tags file? I
>>> can't find that in the help.
>>> :set all doesn't show anything like a list of locations to search for
>>> tags.
>>> If I set verbose to 99, I see vim trying all kinds of stupid places
>>> for the tags file,
>>> except the current directory.
>>> I do not have a .vimrc or .exrc, just this in my .profile:
>>> EXINIT="set ai sm magic ic sw=4 cedit= export EXINIT
>>> Thanks,
>>> Bill Dudley
>> I suppose you mean C tags. For them to work, the tags file must have
>> been created (preferably by Exuberant ctags) and Vim must be able to
>> find it.
>> By default, Vim looks for the tags file in the current directory (which
>> will be shown in answer to the :pwd command) and in the directory of the
>> current file. If you want to search other locations (such as the parent
>> directories of the current file's directory) you will have to tweak the
>> 'tags' option yourself.
>> Note also that if your coworker has 'autochdir' set (which I don't
>> recommend) the current directory will always be changed to the directory
>> of the current file, which means that only one of the two "typical"
>> locations of the tags file will be searched.
>> With only an EXINIT environment variable, there are many nice features
>> of Vim which you won't see. In particular, it will put you in
>> 'compatible' mode, some plugins will simply not work, and with the
>> values you have set, you won't even get filetype-specific behaviour. I
>> recommend to remove that EXINIT variable and to write the following into
>> a file named ~/.vimrc
>> runtime vimrc_example.vim
>> set autoindent
>> set ignorecase showmatch
>> set magic
>> set shiftwidth=4
>> If later you want more customizations, you will add them to this file,
>> usually after the call to vimrc_example.vim (but if you want to change
>> the menu and messages language, you must do it before instead). For
>> instance, to be able to edit files containing any kind of weird
>> characters you might add
>> if has('multi_byte')
>> " if the required capabilities are not available,
>> " we cannot use them
>> " is the OS locale already Unicode?
>> " if not, prepare to change
>> if &encoding !~? '^u'
>> " but first, avoid jamming keyboard input
>> if &termencoding == ""
>> let &termencoding = &encoding
>> endif
>> set encoding=utf-8
>> endif
>> " set a «reasonable» heuristic to determine
>> " the 'fileencoding of existing files
>> set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,default,latin1
>> " the following two settings are optional
>> " create new files in UTF-8
>> setglobal fileencoding=utf-8
>> " create new Unicode files with Byte-Order mark
>> setglobal bomb
>> " Note: certain files, including anything starting #!
>> " must have 'nobomb' instead (using :setlocal),
>> " or be created in some non-Unicode 'fileencoding'
>> " such as e.g. Latin1.
>> endif
>> or to use a font of your choice in gvim (the GUI version of Vim) you
>> would add something like what is shown under :help setting-guifont
>> Best regards,
>> Tony.
>> --
>> Proposed Additions to the PDP-11 Instruction Set:
>> PI Punch Invalid
>> POPI Punch Operator Immediately
>> PVLC Punch Variable Length Card
>> RASC Read And Shred Card
>> RPM Read Programmers Mind
>> RSSC reduce speed, step carefully (for improved accuracy)
>> RTAB Rewind tape and break
>> RWDSK rewind disk
>> RWOC Read Writing On Card
>> SCRBL scribble to disk - faster than a write
>> SLC Search for Lost Chord
>> SPSW Scramble Program Status Word
>> SRSD Seek Record and Scar Disk
>> STROM Store in Read Only Memory
>> TDB Transfer and Drop Bit
>> WBT Water Binary Tree

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