Saturday, August 21, 2010

Vim 7.3 - E10 Errors Editing _vimrc

I just uninstalled Vim 7.2 and did a clean install of Vim 7.3.3 on Windows Vista using the binary from I am using the _vimrc file I used with Vim 7.2. I now get dozens of E10 error messages when editing _vimrc (does not happen with other files, only _vimrc).
Help for E10 suggested setting nocp, but I already have 'set nocp' at the top of _vimrc. It also suggested removing the 'C' option from cpoptions. I tried adding 'set cpoptions-=C to the top of _vimrc, but this did not help either.
I tried indvidually commenting out the lines in _vimrc that source 'vimrc_example.vim' and 'mswin.vim' but neither made any difference.
At this point I'm rather stuck. Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.

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