> Hi!
> Is there a way to load different colorscheme when using vimdiff (and
> different when using vim)?
> Regards,
One possibility would be not to specify the colorscheme in the vimrc but
on the command-line: e.g. make desktop shortcuts with commands such as
gvimdiff -c 'colorscheme foo'
gvim -c 'colorscheme bar'
Or even set the "normal" scheme in the vimrc for vim, gvim, view, gview,
etc. and add the above -c switch in a desktop shortcut for gvimdiff,
and/or in a shell alias or wrapper script for vimdiff. (the -c command
defines an ex-command to be executed at the end of startup, so it can
override anything set by your vimrc or gvimrc).
Best regards,
Vidi, vici, veni.
(I saw, I conquered, I came.)
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