Thursday, July 28, 2011

Re: A modern look for gvim (win32)

On Thursday, July 28, 2011 8:08:24 AM UTC+2, Benjamin R. Haskell wrote:

>> The thing is that making gvim more modern wouldn't take away any of
>> that. You still have the option of using vim (i.e. in a terminal)

This seems the wrong stance to me.  Changing the look of Gvim shouldn't
affect its functionality.  While I generally use vim (not gvim), I've
considered switching, just for the undercurl decoration.  The reason
it'd be easy to switch is pretty straightforward: GVim still behaves
(AFAICT) exactly the same as console vim.  Only the appearance is

I didn't express myself clearly enough. Please read my reply to Tony where I tried to be more clear about what I meant.

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